Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dudes on Bikes

When I'm walking down the street, and I see a dude on a bike I'm usually like "That's hot."

When I'm walking down the street, and I see a dude on a bike wearing a helmet I'm usually like "That's so hot."

When I'm walking down the street, and I see a dude on a bike dressed really well and wearing a helmet I'm usually like "That's so fucking hot."

Aparently the New York Times had the same idea.

And the article attached to the photoshoot said this about Amsterdam bike culture:
"There, where riding a bicycle to work in a suit and tie is as notable an act as drinking a cup of coffee, there is no bike culture — all culture includes the bike."
I thought that summed up my thoughts on what bike culture should be too.

There is no love for the helmet though, in either of their articles, which is dumb, because that could save your life. I love on my brainz-hardcore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your blog has such a cool aura that I'm liking.
♥ Morena

Stop by sometime.