Monday, August 31, 2009

Tae Kwon Do in the Mountains

Every year I go upstate to kick some trees with my fellow TKD'rs. This year was no exception, and I had a blast.
The time upstate consists of making lots of really fatty foods (like OMG the most amazing french fries ever- home made with sea salt, rosemary, and honey- yeeeaaahhh. And chocolate bombs, fettuccine alfredo...), hanging out with people I only see once a year, and sleeping under the stars. We usually stay up until well past 3AM, singing with the guitar, pigging out and being goofy. Or perhaps someone will lead a midnight hike through the woods with no flashlights, or late night ninja practice. I always get deligtfully scared (and also actually just scared) because I think the woods are totes haunted and I keep thinking there are witches watching us run a muck through thier woods and they don't like it and will wait for one of us to get seperated from the group and abduct us...
I only watched the Blair Witch Project once.The last day always ends with a big exhibition and black belt test in the local high school gym. From the high school you can see a farm. That's how rural it is...
During practice we all just do all our forms in the middle of the woods. Start at our white belt forms and go all the way up to your very last without stopping. Me and my ma are black belts, so there are a few. But not as many as some of the upper black belts, who have almost double what we have to do. Its exausting in the best way possible.
Sometimes we just drink tea, sit in the cabin and listen to our headmaster - that's him with his arms crossed.
Its very relaxing, and totally not the city. These aren't the people I normally hang out with even though the majority live in the BK. We don't have much in common, I'm fashion city gal and they are Bay Ridge folks, and I'm always the girl who forgot sweat pants (because I think I own one pair, somewhere... I don't really own work out clothes, or pjs). The trip is like visiting family, I love them no matter who they are, and they love me. I won't take them dancing at the clurb, because that's not thier scene, but we can still kick some trees and go for three mile runs up hills, and that will be awesome.

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